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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Michael Jackson, the Man the Boy

Since Michael Jackson's passing, there have been so many interviews done with him broadcasted on TV. I have watched them over and over to sort my thoughts. My conclusion is I see two distinct people in MJ. Now let me explain. When I watch him performing I see one person and when I watch him off stage in an interview, I see another person.

Let's begin with the performer. Michael Jackson is the ultimate performer on stage. His every move is perfect. His music and body are in sync. He controls the stage, the crowd. He is in command. Watching his videos I see such a sexy man. Take for instance tne video, You Rock My World, how he carries himself as the macho man. HIs moves are so enticing making you wish you were the woman in front of him. He portrays himself as the bad boy women want. Does anyone else leave that video feeling kind of heated? My opinion is MJ lived out many fantasies in his videos. He could be whomever he wanted, portray himself in any persona he wished.

In contrast, when I watch him in interviews he appears completely opposite. He is soft spoken, shy, scared even. He seems to be trapped as a boy of probably 10. I could not even imagine him in a relatonship. He seems so innocent and nieve in the affairs of the heart. I am more aware of how his face has changed during these interviews as opposed to the videos where he is such a turn on, it really doesn't matter. His responses to questions seem really child like. This makes me wonder about those child molestation allegations. I can't even begin to believe them. I listen to Michael and I watch him as he speak and I can see that to him it was nothing more than a sleep over with his friends. He emotionally was probably no older than the children at the sleep over. I always wondered why he never married someone who was his soul mate or someone he loved and connected with. I never even heard of a tabloid talk about some sordid affair between him and a woman while he was alive. I think it is because he was stuck at age 10.

So sad that even as the most desired man he was so lonely. He had it all, fame, fortune,influential friends and lots of family. Have you noticed in multiple songs he references his loneliness? Not only did he live in loneliness, he seems to have died alone also.

I appreciate his artistry so much more now. I know I have to cherish it because he will not be giving us any more than what he left behind. I never imagined a world without MJ. He was always there like a distant family member you waited to hear from. I miss him so much.

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