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Saturday, August 17, 2019


  Dawn Knight is the new series of short stories that has joined Brigitta Moon Books. It's best enjoyed if you read from Single number one. 

Waiting is difficult, but in this game of murder, waiting is the name of the game. 

Susie has a humdrum life working in an airport coffee shop, but it doesn’t stop her from having big dreams. When the planes are grounded, life changes for her after she accepts a new job and a deal that puts her face to face with a serial killer. 

Who killed Shawn Davis? That’s the question Susie has to answer if she wants a better paycheck. The jury has convicted Ian Little, although there are better-looking suspects. 
Now, she has to gather the courage to get Ian Little, a convicted murderer, to tell her the truth about Shawn Davis, the one victim he refuses to take credit killing. 

The cat and mouse game begins.

If your vision of a good day is relaxing with a James Patterson novel, you’ll enjoy The Dawn Knight Series.

Book one of The Dawn Knight Series is free, so grab yours and let the murder games begin. 

From the Desk of Susie, Barista Extraordinaire 

Dreams never come true. When I was a little girl, my dream was to become a news anchor. Everyone would tune in to the six o'clock news report just to listen to what I had to say. I would wear smart-looking clothes and have my hair done up by a stylist, and flawless makeup applied by the hands of a makeup artist. Now, as I stand behind the counter dressed in my toffee colored tee shirt with a name tag alerting every customer that I am Susan, barista extraordinaire, I hear the words again; dreams never come true. 

Becoming Dawn Knight is the first short story in The Dawn Knight Series. 

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