Saturday, December 10, 2016
Weekly Savings #50
Oh my. It's week number 50 already. The year has slipped right past me. Last I remember we were inside week 40 something. Let's see what's in our account. Back in week 45 We added a total of $1,035 to our growing nest of money. Now in week number 50 we should have added $250 to our account. Here's the break down: Week 46-$46 + week 47-$47 + week 48-$48 + week 49-$49 +week 50-$50 We've just added a total of $240 to our growing nest with a previous balance of $1035 and now- $1,275. It's looking good and at the end of the year- just two weeks away- an extra $1,378 will be much appreciated. Oops, lets back up. This year has 53 weeks. How awesome is that. Now our nest egg will have an extra week of deposit. Christmas! Yep! New Years party? What will you do with your $1,378? That's incorrect. This year with week 53 we will have a total nest egg of $1,4312. Have you decided what to do with that big chunk of dollars? Pay off a bill? Roll it over and pile on more cash for the next year? Invest in a stock? Take a vacation? Buy gifts? Just a little something to ponder again.
On a different note, I've finally decided to release the novel GUILTY by adding it to the KindleScout Program. This is the newest novel to join BMB Books. It is not published yet, but you can have access to the first 5,000 words at KindleScout. So surf on over to GUILTY and take a look around. If you like what you nominate me and do share with your shares. I appreciate every page view and every nomination.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Weekly Savings Plan #45
Welcome back new and previous savers! It's been a while. We are into week 45. I'm just checking in again to keep you on point with
your weekly savings plan. It's been a few months since our last check point at week 32. At that point we had a total of $528 in our growing nest egg account. Now we're on week 45. Here's the breakdown. You should have added $507 to the $528. Week 33-$33 + week 34-$34 + week 35-$35 + week 36-$36 +week 37-$37 + week 38-$38 + week 39-$39 + week 40-$40 + week 41-41+ week 42-$42 + week 43-$43 + week 44-$44 + week 45-$45. Bamdiggitty! We've just added a total of $1,035 to our growing nest of money. It's looking good and at the end of the year- just 7 weeks away- an extra $1,378 will be much appreciated. Christmas! Yep! New Years party? What will you do with your $1,378? Roll it over and pile on more cash for the next year? Invest in a stock? Take a vacation? Buy gifts? Just a little something to ponder again.
your weekly savings plan. It's been a few months since our last check point at week 32. At that point we had a total of $528 in our growing nest egg account. Now we're on week 45. Here's the breakdown. You should have added $507 to the $528. Week 33-$33 + week 34-$34 + week 35-$35 + week 36-$36 +week 37-$37 + week 38-$38 + week 39-$39 + week 40-$40 + week 41-41+ week 42-$42 + week 43-$43 + week 44-$44 + week 45-$45. Bamdiggitty! We've just added a total of $1,035 to our growing nest of money. It's looking good and at the end of the year- just 7 weeks away- an extra $1,378 will be much appreciated. Christmas! Yep! New Years party? What will you do with your $1,378? Roll it over and pile on more cash for the next year? Invest in a stock? Take a vacation? Buy gifts? Just a little something to ponder again.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Printing a Book In Color vs Black and White
Adding pictures to the header of each episode was an idea that hit me out of the blue. I wanted to have a picture that would kind of speak to what the episode was about to share with the reader. This was an awesome thought, but an expensive one. To decrease the pages and the price of the book, I printed it in a 12 point font instead of the 14 point I usually use. This brought the book down to 202 pages, but it didn't bring down the price for color.
Her's my dilemma. If I print in color and use all the selling outlets, the cost for the 202 page book would be a whopping $30. If I only sold it on Amazon and my store, the cost would be in the ballpark of $15 as a base. For black and white the cost would be $3.27 as a base. Those prices don't include any markup for profit.
I thought I would share this with you just in case you were wondering about the cost of color printing.
Visit my author page for a look at the new Ashes Series
Take a look at the impact of color vs black and white.
Black and white Episode picture
Color Episode picture
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Weekly Savings Plan #32
Total Money Makeover
Welcome back new and previous savers! We are into week 32. I'm just checking in again to keep you on point with your weekly savings plan. It's been almost five weeks since our last check point at week 27. At that point we had a total of $378 in our growing nest egg account. Now we're on week 32. Here's the breakdown. You should have added $150 to the $378. Week 28-$28 + week 29-$29 + week 30-$30 +week 31-$31 + week 32-$32. Cha-ching! We've just added $528 to our growing nest of money. It may still seem small, but at the end of the year, an extra $1,378 will be appreciated. Christmas! Yep! What will you do with your $1,378? Roll it over and pile on more cash for the next year? Invest in a stock? Take a vacation? Buy gifts? Have a New Years party? Just a little something to ponder again.
Welcome back new and previous savers! We are into week 32. I'm just checking in again to keep you on point with your weekly savings plan. It's been almost five weeks since our last check point at week 27. At that point we had a total of $378 in our growing nest egg account. Now we're on week 32. Here's the breakdown. You should have added $150 to the $378. Week 28-$28 + week 29-$29 + week 30-$30 +week 31-$31 + week 32-$32. Cha-ching! We've just added $528 to our growing nest of money. It may still seem small, but at the end of the year, an extra $1,378 will be appreciated. Christmas! Yep! What will you do with your $1,378? Roll it over and pile on more cash for the next year? Invest in a stock? Take a vacation? Buy gifts? Have a New Years party? Just a little something to ponder again.
Friday, July 1, 2016
Night after night sleep had been as coveted as fame and fortune, but remained elusive. I reach out a slender
hand beckoning to it, reaching for it without even a murmur of an answer. Letters bump around in my head like drunks in a street brawl. They tumble around lost and shapeless. I try to capture them and restore some type of order, but their randomness is stubborn. My sleeping domain is dark with only the hum of a window fan churning as quiet as a well oiled engine. It's tune is soothing and it's breeze is cool and welcoming. My eyes become heavy and dim although sleep escapes me. Instead the breath of the fan slowly gathers the letters. They stand and march into formation like a platoon of soldiers. Their lines are symmetrical and as beautiful as a manicured garden. The words are forming and I can't ignore them. They won't let me. They demand that I notice them. They march. The beat begins. It plays louder and louder and I can't ignore it. My fingers reach for the lamp switch. My computer is on my lap before I realize what my hands have done. The letters are forming word after word, sentence after sentence. The beat plays. The words become paragraphs. The beat plays. I type every word to the beat inside my head. The beat. Words. The beat. Words. My fingers move across the keyboard with the rhythm and before I know it thousands of words have made themselves comfortable on the page. When I glance the clock, I'm shocked to learn I have spent hours with my friends. As my finger press the final period I feel spent as if I have run a marathon. The sleep I have coveted night after night showers itself upon me like fame and fortune. Brigitta
hand beckoning to it, reaching for it without even a murmur of an answer. Letters bump around in my head like drunks in a street brawl. They tumble around lost and shapeless. I try to capture them and restore some type of order, but their randomness is stubborn. My sleeping domain is dark with only the hum of a window fan churning as quiet as a well oiled engine. It's tune is soothing and it's breeze is cool and welcoming. My eyes become heavy and dim although sleep escapes me. Instead the breath of the fan slowly gathers the letters. They stand and march into formation like a platoon of soldiers. Their lines are symmetrical and as beautiful as a manicured garden. The words are forming and I can't ignore them. They won't let me. They demand that I notice them. They march. The beat begins. It plays louder and louder and I can't ignore it. My fingers reach for the lamp switch. My computer is on my lap before I realize what my hands have done. The letters are forming word after word, sentence after sentence. The beat plays. The words become paragraphs. The beat plays. I type every word to the beat inside my head. The beat. Words. The beat. Words. My fingers move across the keyboard with the rhythm and before I know it thousands of words have made themselves comfortable on the page. When I glance the clock, I'm shocked to learn I have spent hours with my friends. As my finger press the final period I feel spent as if I have run a marathon. The sleep I have coveted night after night showers itself upon me like fame and fortune. Brigitta
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Weekly Saving Plan #27

Ashes of Old lovers
Have you read my new book?
If not, add it to your bookshelf.
If not, add it to your bookshelf.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Easy Weekly Savings Plan- Week 23

Ashes of Old lovers
Have you read my new book?
If not, add it to your bookshelf.
If not, add it to your bookshelf.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Sunday Morning Adventure
Some things are so absurd, you can't help but chuckle. So let me spill what happened on this fateful
Sunday when dreams of a late morning rising were ripped away as quickly as sheets from a bed. Can you guess the first thing that happened? You got it. My phone rang. Doesn't it always begin with the ominous ringing phone. The voice on the other end was that of the woman who had labored with me for hours upon stacking hours before pushing me out into this wide open world where dreams are as plentiful as dirt, but fulfilling a dream, well not as easy as picking up a hand full of that dirt. (At this point I'm shaking my head in disappointment.) Oh, sorry, I veered off the path. Just wanted you to see how easy it can be done. You know. Veering off the path.
I answered the ominous ringing with my drowsy hello and listened. It was her. The laboring woman of years ago. "I ran my car into a ditch," she was saying. She sounded like she had just run a marathon and was just finishing up bent over with her hands planted on her knees. "I don't know what's wrong with my car. I kept hitting the brake, but the car kept going. It wouldn't stop."
Oh, this sounds like one of those scary King movies. You know. One about an evil car. That's what I was thinking to myself. But forget about that. Back to the out of breath voice on the other end of the phone. "It's stuck in a ditch in a wooded area. Can you come?"
"Well of course I can come." She didn't even have to ask. I am here in this world of dreams because of her. I was already up preparing myself to dash out the door. The phone was pinned to my ear. Her words were rushing through.
"I didn't know what else to do. The car was zooming through stop signs and I was afraid I would hit another car or a person."
But I was wondering if she was ever going to catch her breath. Nope. She didn't. She plowed on. "When I saw the vacant building with the wooded vacant lot, I turned the car in that direction. It stopped. It finally stopped. All I wanted to do was go to my Sunday morning meeting. I was parking. Backing into the space. I went to pull forward and the car shot out of the space. I was holding on for dear life. Holding and steering all the way to this lot. One of the brothers magically appeared in his car. I don't know how he found me."
I'm right. This is a movie or maybe I am having a late Sunday morning sleep and this is just a dream. So I did what any sane person would do. I pinched myself. Ouch. That hurt. I pinched too hard and darnit, I left a red pinch mark on my arm.
She was still rambling on. "He walked around the car checking it out. He walked around us, me and the car like four times. Then he came back and stood in front of me. He took off his hat and was scratching his head. He looked puzzled. He said, "God was definitely on your side this morning Sister.
If nothing else had gotten my attention this morning, that did. "What did he mean?" Those were a few of the words I was able to get into this spooky movie.
" Well. I was perplexed." She was slowing down. Thinking over the event. "He said, look Sister, your car is kissing distance from that tree. And you know why your car didn't kiss it? Here, look under here, he told me." In my fancy Sunday dress and Sunday shoes, I bent down and looked under the car. I didn't see anything. Just grass and dirt. "Your car is on a curb. It's middle is teetering on a curb. I gave it a second inspection, but I couldn't see this curb. It was invisible to my eyes."
She wasn't done, but she was laughing now. I guess I need to put some pep in my step. She was hysterical now. At least that's what I thought. She was laughing and was her situation funny?
"The brother wasn't the first one to come to help me." Now she sounded like she was about to confide a secret to me. I pressed the phone closer to my ear and held a finger in the other. I listened.
"A man drove up leaning his head out the window. He asked if I needed any help. My wide eyes and opened mouth must have tickled him. Well, I told him sternly, "No siry, I won't be needing your help today. For God's sake he was driving hearse."
Sunday when dreams of a late morning rising were ripped away as quickly as sheets from a bed. Can you guess the first thing that happened? You got it. My phone rang. Doesn't it always begin with the ominous ringing phone. The voice on the other end was that of the woman who had labored with me for hours upon stacking hours before pushing me out into this wide open world where dreams are as plentiful as dirt, but fulfilling a dream, well not as easy as picking up a hand full of that dirt. (At this point I'm shaking my head in disappointment.) Oh, sorry, I veered off the path. Just wanted you to see how easy it can be done. You know. Veering off the path.
I answered the ominous ringing with my drowsy hello and listened. It was her. The laboring woman of years ago. "I ran my car into a ditch," she was saying. She sounded like she had just run a marathon and was just finishing up bent over with her hands planted on her knees. "I don't know what's wrong with my car. I kept hitting the brake, but the car kept going. It wouldn't stop."
Oh, this sounds like one of those scary King movies. You know. One about an evil car. That's what I was thinking to myself. But forget about that. Back to the out of breath voice on the other end of the phone. "It's stuck in a ditch in a wooded area. Can you come?"
"Well of course I can come." She didn't even have to ask. I am here in this world of dreams because of her. I was already up preparing myself to dash out the door. The phone was pinned to my ear. Her words were rushing through.
"I didn't know what else to do. The car was zooming through stop signs and I was afraid I would hit another car or a person."
But I was wondering if she was ever going to catch her breath. Nope. She didn't. She plowed on. "When I saw the vacant building with the wooded vacant lot, I turned the car in that direction. It stopped. It finally stopped. All I wanted to do was go to my Sunday morning meeting. I was parking. Backing into the space. I went to pull forward and the car shot out of the space. I was holding on for dear life. Holding and steering all the way to this lot. One of the brothers magically appeared in his car. I don't know how he found me."
I'm right. This is a movie or maybe I am having a late Sunday morning sleep and this is just a dream. So I did what any sane person would do. I pinched myself. Ouch. That hurt. I pinched too hard and darnit, I left a red pinch mark on my arm.
She was still rambling on. "He walked around the car checking it out. He walked around us, me and the car like four times. Then he came back and stood in front of me. He took off his hat and was scratching his head. He looked puzzled. He said, "God was definitely on your side this morning Sister.
If nothing else had gotten my attention this morning, that did. "What did he mean?" Those were a few of the words I was able to get into this spooky movie.
" Well. I was perplexed." She was slowing down. Thinking over the event. "He said, look Sister, your car is kissing distance from that tree. And you know why your car didn't kiss it? Here, look under here, he told me." In my fancy Sunday dress and Sunday shoes, I bent down and looked under the car. I didn't see anything. Just grass and dirt. "Your car is on a curb. It's middle is teetering on a curb. I gave it a second inspection, but I couldn't see this curb. It was invisible to my eyes."
She wasn't done, but she was laughing now. I guess I need to put some pep in my step. She was hysterical now. At least that's what I thought. She was laughing and was her situation funny?
"The brother wasn't the first one to come to help me." Now she sounded like she was about to confide a secret to me. I pressed the phone closer to my ear and held a finger in the other. I listened.
"A man drove up leaning his head out the window. He asked if I needed any help. My wide eyes and opened mouth must have tickled him. Well, I told him sternly, "No siry, I won't be needing your help today. For God's sake he was driving hearse."
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
My Gas Mower Won't Start!
Well it's that time again. Time to manicure our lawns. I have a gas lawn mower which I love much
more than the electric one I owned previously. The only problem is that after sitting all winter the darn thing wouldn't start. The purpose of this post is to share with you what I learned. The gas should not be left in the mower over the winter break. The gas will not be pure and will not start the mower. It needs to be run out or emptied out before being packed away. Also the oil needs to be checked before mowing. So after my trusty friend stayed mute when I pulled the cord, I emptied out the old gas and filled the tank with gas from my gas can. I checked the oil which showed a dry stick, so I added some. All gassed and oiled up, I pulled the cord. Music to my ears, the roaring of a lawn mower ready to work.
more than the electric one I owned previously. The only problem is that after sitting all winter the darn thing wouldn't start. The purpose of this post is to share with you what I learned. The gas should not be left in the mower over the winter break. The gas will not be pure and will not start the mower. It needs to be run out or emptied out before being packed away. Also the oil needs to be checked before mowing. So after my trusty friend stayed mute when I pulled the cord, I emptied out the old gas and filled the tank with gas from my gas can. I checked the oil which showed a dry stick, so I added some. All gassed and oiled up, I pulled the cord. Music to my ears, the roaring of a lawn mower ready to work.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Making Space on My Samsung Android Phone
Today my Android said it was running out of space and some of my features may not function properly.Visihow. This is a wonderful site, really easy and quick to use. No frustration. See it, do it.
I'm already encountering this with the unexpected shutdown of applications. Yesterday I shot a lot of video with my phone which used a lot a space. My phone has a large SD card and I needed to move theses videos there to free up space on my phone. I also didn't know how. So as usual I consulted Google. I was landed here on
I'm already encountering this with the unexpected shutdown of applications. Yesterday I shot a lot of video with my phone which used a lot a space. My phone has a large SD card and I needed to move theses videos there to free up space on my phone. I also didn't know how. So as usual I consulted Google. I was landed here on
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Easy Weekly Savings Plan- Week 17
Welcome all you savers! We are starting week 17. I'm just checking in to keep you on point with your
weekly savings plan. Our last check point was week 12. At that point we had a total of $78 in our
accounts. Now we're on week 17. Here's the breakdown. You should have added $75 to the $78. Week 13-$13 + week 14-$14 + week 15-$15 +week 17-$16 + week 17-$17. Shazam! We've just added $153 to our growing nest of money. It may seem so small now, but at years end, an extra $1,378 will be more than just a tasty morsel. What would you do with an $1,378? Roll it over and pile on more cash for the next year? Invest in a stock? Take a vacation? Just a little something to ponder.
Today young people are so talented and they put their talents to work to add to their income. Take out four minutes to listen to this young lady narrate her first book about- you guessed it- money. This book, How to Raise Your Credit Score, is not available in Audible yet, but it is available in paperback at my CreateSpace Store. Enter code 8D6BYWSK at checkout and receive $1.00 off. It's also available in the Kindle store.
accounts. Now we're on week 17. Here's the breakdown. You should have added $75 to the $78. Week 13-$13 + week 14-$14 + week 15-$15 +week 17-$16 + week 17-$17. Shazam! We've just added $153 to our growing nest of money. It may seem so small now, but at years end, an extra $1,378 will be more than just a tasty morsel. What would you do with an $1,378? Roll it over and pile on more cash for the next year? Invest in a stock? Take a vacation? Just a little something to ponder.
Today young people are so talented and they put their talents to work to add to their income. Take out four minutes to listen to this young lady narrate her first book about- you guessed it- money. This book, How to Raise Your Credit Score, is not available in Audible yet, but it is available in paperback at my CreateSpace Store. Enter code 8D6BYWSK at checkout and receive $1.00 off. It's also available in the Kindle store.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
A Secret Love Kindle Giveaway
Hey Kindle romance readers. A Secret Love is a free download Wednesday 4/6/16 beginning at 12mn
Pacific time. Download, read, enjoy, share your thoughts via a review!
The heat level of this book is about a 2, a couple sexy scenes.
Happy reading.
Pacific time. Download, read, enjoy, share your thoughts via a review!
The heat level of this book is about a 2, a couple sexy scenes.
Happy reading.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Proof Paperback Book Giveaway of MISTAKE

Entries are now closed for the giveaway.
We have a winner!
Watch on youtube
Hey everyone. The giveaway for the first copy of my proof for MISTAKE has ended with a winner on Goodreads . I have one more proof left as I only ordered two to read for errors, one for work and one for home. To enter just Retweet and follow me. For Facebook share and Like Brigitta Moon Books. The last entry will be recorded at 12:01 midnight April second.I just couldn't bear to end it on April Fool's day. If you win, I'd love to hear what you thought of MISTAKE by leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. It's not mandatory. Tweet and Follow of for Facebook share. Good Luck.
*PS remember this is a proof
copy, so there will be errors.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Author Interview - Meet Brigitta Moon

Thursday, March 17, 2016
Novel Tips
Have you ever needed a quick link to a web page with a morsel of information that was front and center, like
jumping off the the tip of your tongue? It's hard to pull out the shovel and dig for a little piece of information that you want instantly. Welcome to Club Clickfast. I had so many links to web pages before my Mac developed the white screen of death. I can't complain. It was pretty old and had given me many years of loyalty. Now I am in the process of putting together links to web pages that have been quite helpful in my authoring journey once again. Feel free to share with a friend. I will re-share each time I make additions. Stay updated with helpful links by joining the mailing list.
jumping off the the tip of your tongue? It's hard to pull out the shovel and dig for a little piece of information that you want instantly. Welcome to Club Clickfast. I had so many links to web pages before my Mac developed the white screen of death. I can't complain. It was pretty old and had given me many years of loyalty. Now I am in the process of putting together links to web pages that have been quite helpful in my authoring journey once again. Feel free to share with a friend. I will re-share each time I make additions. Stay updated with helpful links by joining the mailing list.
- Character roles in a novel
- How to add a link to an image
- Building a psychotic criminal
- Describing a character
- Expressive words
- Using descriptive words
- Name generator
- How to sell ebooks
- Paragraph Basics
- How to Create Memorable Characters
- Punctuating with Quotation Marks
- Dialogue: Punctuation, Capitalization, Spacing
- Another Word Thesaurus online
- Creating A Banner for Your Create Space Store
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Easy Weekly Savings Plan Week 12
Hey all you savers. We are on week 12. I'm just checking in to keep you on point with your weekly savings plan. Our last check point was week 4. At that point we had a total of $10 in our accounts. Now we're on week 12. Here's the breakdown. You should have added $68 to the $10. Week 5-$5 + week 6-$6 + week 7-$7 +week 8-$8 + week 9-$9 + week 10-$10 + $11 for week 11 and $12 for week 12. Yowza, we just added $68 to our growing money nest of money. It may seem so small now, but at years end, an extra $1,378 will be appetizing.
Today young people are so talented and they put their talents to work to add to their income. Take out four minutes to listen to this young lady narrate her first book about- you guessed it- money. This book is not available in Audible yet, but it is available in paperback and Kindle .
Today young people are so talented and they put their talents to work to add to their income. Take out four minutes to listen to this young lady narrate her first book about- you guessed it- money. This book is not available in Audible yet, but it is available in paperback and Kindle .
Sunday, March 13, 2016
How to Add Audio to a Picture in Your Blog Post
Soundcloud has been around for a awhile. I have used it a few times to search for music for my trailers. Just in case you have never visited, let me just tell you that you can find all types of music tracks and audiobooks there. Here you may discover your next favorite artist or writer. The feature I enjoy most is being able to embed audio in a picture of my book. Click this link to see how I have made use of this feature . I did not place the picture with the embedded audio in this post because the audio is programmed to start automatically.
Interested yet? Your first step will be to convert a chapter or snippet of your book into audio format. Upload the audio to Soundcloud. If you don't have an account, now is the time to make one. It's free for three hours of uploaded audio or you can enroll in a paid monthly plan for more space. To add the audio to a picture the website will have to allow the use of html. Replace the picture's info with the embed link from Soundcloud.
If you are unable to find the correct html to replace don't fret. You can add it at the beginning or the end of a post. Click this link to see this version live.
As always, feel free to share this post with your friends.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Crunching Debt to Raise Your Credit Score
If you are ready to crunch your debt and raise your credit score, listen to chapter one of the this book to meet the debt you will be tackling. Next get a Kindle copy from Amazon or a paperback from Brigitta Moon Books. Enter the customer appreciation code for 10% off at checkout S8JZPEMM for your purchase at Brigitta Moon Books.
This book is not yet available in Audible format, but keep an eye out or should I say an ear out because Sally Sanstiff is working on it.
What's in the book:
*Organizing your bills to start a debt crunching plan.
*The double down fast pay program
*Finding money for your plan
*Where to put your money
*Protecting your family- Life Insurance
Click a share button at the bottom of this post.
There may be a friend who could benefit and will thank you for the link.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Colorful Writing
Have you wondered why some authors are well-read and others aren't? Well, it may have something to do with the colorful language. There are many ways to describe something, more than one way to tell a story. To make my point take a listen to Al Wilson's song The Snake. He never comes straight out and says what he is talking about, but we all get the message. It's colorful and entertaining. You could listen to it over and over again. So, take this lazy day to engage in some colorful writing. Give readers what they want.
Raise Your Credit Score Quickly
![]() |
GET 10% off Use code S8JZPEMM |
Top Customer Reviews
By Nicholas A Reichert on July 13, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Comment Was this review helpful to you? YesNo Report abuse
This is a practical, entertaining book and an easy read. I highly recommend for anyone who is struggling with credit card debt. The book not only covers a payoff strategy for getting out of debt, it also reviews options available under bankruptcy law if that is required and also has some excellent basic money management tips. Highly recommend.
By miata janjay freeman on January 30, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition
Comment Was this review helpful to you? YesNo Report abuse
Wow! This is an excellent source book! It gives sooooooooooooo many helpful hints on how to boost you credit score. What I love about this book is how the author breaks the concept down so that it is easily understood by the reader. A must have for anyone who needs credit advice.
By Charnell Williams on April 13, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Comment Was this review helpful to you? YesNo Report abuse
This is a good guide to help set a plan to become debt free. The writing style is entertaining and easy to read allowing you to get a quick start!
By devonta davis on September 20, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
needed this :)
Friday, March 4, 2016
I Love Gifts- Giveaway Link is Finally Available!
Finally. The giveaway code is here for MISTAKE
Good luck! Follow me and click the gift to see instantly if you're a winner.
Enter giveaway
Don't you just love getting gifts? There are gifts for holidays, birthdays and just because. This is a chance to win a just because gift. I have just released the second edition of MISTAKE. Spend a day with Beth and Lil. As soon as Amazon releases the link, you will be able to enter for your chance at the gift of MISTAKE. Check back for more details. This is really exciting!
*I'm still waiting for Amazon to send the link.
For everyone who has been interested in the giveaway I must apologize for the delay of posting the link. There was a delay by Amazon in getting the links out. It seems this program is so popular that they have fallen behind. I am quite excited about the opportunity that Amazon is offering so authors can host gifts of books. Please check back. As soon as I receive the code I will pass it on to you.
Unfortunately I have to report that I sill have not received a code for the giveaway yet. This has been quite disappointing, so I have decided to give the gift of my uncorrected proof copy paperback. Here are the details at the bottom this linked post Colorful Writing
Good luck! Follow me and click the gift to see instantly if you're a winner.
Enter giveaway
Don't you just love getting gifts? There are gifts for holidays, birthdays and just because. This is a chance to win a just because gift. I have just released the second edition of MISTAKE. Spend a day with Beth and Lil. As soon as Amazon releases the link, you will be able to enter for your chance at the gift of MISTAKE. Check back for more details. This is really exciting!
*I'm still waiting for Amazon to send the link.
For everyone who has been interested in the giveaway I must apologize for the delay of posting the link. There was a delay by Amazon in getting the links out. It seems this program is so popular that they have fallen behind. I am quite excited about the opportunity that Amazon is offering so authors can host gifts of books. Please check back. As soon as I receive the code I will pass it on to you.
Unfortunately I have to report that I sill have not received a code for the giveaway yet. This has been quite disappointing, so I have decided to give the gift of my uncorrected proof copy paperback. Here are the details at the bottom this linked post Colorful Writing
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Easy Weekly Savings Updated
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Black History Month and The Other Wes Moore
Although Black History Month is winding down, it doesn't disappear. It is inescapable. I'd like to share a book I had the privilege to listen to. It was read by the author and my first thought was this was not going to be a good experience. I eyed the title and read the summary and came to the conclusion that this was going to be another depressing, oppressive book about Black history. I was wrong. When the audiobook was done, the words depressing and oppressive were far from my thoughts.
Let me first share how I came to meet this book. I am attending an event for a youth group, Young Men With Power and Women With Class. This group has spent months dedicating weekends to preparing themselves for success in life through classes, trips and guest speakers. They have spent time with etiquette, public speaking, interviewing, dressing for success, trips to the White House and bonding trips for fun and much more. These young people who will be our future leaders and community servants will be proudly strutting their stuff at a celebration Gala in March. I was informed the guest speaker was an author. My antennae rose. Wes Moore is the name I was given. I admitted I didn't know him or his work.
In preparation for the Gala, I did a little research on Amazon. I checked out the book and came to the conclusion as stated above. I didn't read any of the reviews. I feel they taint my perspective of a book. I prefer to form my own opinions as I read or listen to a book. After I'm done, I then go back and read a few reviews to view other readers' experiences.
The story of the two Wes Moores is thought provoking and question raising. My first question when I finished was, is this book a mandatory read for middle school students? If it isn't, it should be and not for Black students only. Drugs do not discriminate. They don't care if you are rich, poor or middle class. They don't care what color your skin is or how well known your name is. They tramp through any culture and destroy any life.
The story encourages you to ponder the whys of the outcomes of the two lives. Is it family, sacrifices, determination, selflessness? Is it the strength of the mother when no father is around? Tough love? When two people travel the same road and reach the junction of life changing decisions, what causes one to decide to take the right wing and the other decide to take the left?
I enjoyed the history glimpses in the book. The background of areas that I recognize such as Cherry Hill and Dundee Village. As I was growing up in Baltimore I was warned never to go to Cherry Hill. The reason given, it's a bad area. So I was in fear of it. While I was in college I gave a ride home to a classmate who lived in Cherry Hill. I drove through the area quickly with my heart pounding, my windows up and doors locked. Then there are the names of people you can identify because you voted for them or saw them on television. People who are part of today's recent history.
I would recommend this book for all young people because life is full of crossroads that will either bless you or damn you. It's better to be armed.
If you're interested in attending the Gala the information is here.
Get information about The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates
Let me first share how I came to meet this book. I am attending an event for a youth group, Young Men With Power and Women With Class. This group has spent months dedicating weekends to preparing themselves for success in life through classes, trips and guest speakers. They have spent time with etiquette, public speaking, interviewing, dressing for success, trips to the White House and bonding trips for fun and much more. These young people who will be our future leaders and community servants will be proudly strutting their stuff at a celebration Gala in March. I was informed the guest speaker was an author. My antennae rose. Wes Moore is the name I was given. I admitted I didn't know him or his work.
In preparation for the Gala, I did a little research on Amazon. I checked out the book and came to the conclusion as stated above. I didn't read any of the reviews. I feel they taint my perspective of a book. I prefer to form my own opinions as I read or listen to a book. After I'm done, I then go back and read a few reviews to view other readers' experiences.
The story of the two Wes Moores is thought provoking and question raising. My first question when I finished was, is this book a mandatory read for middle school students? If it isn't, it should be and not for Black students only. Drugs do not discriminate. They don't care if you are rich, poor or middle class. They don't care what color your skin is or how well known your name is. They tramp through any culture and destroy any life.
The story encourages you to ponder the whys of the outcomes of the two lives. Is it family, sacrifices, determination, selflessness? Is it the strength of the mother when no father is around? Tough love? When two people travel the same road and reach the junction of life changing decisions, what causes one to decide to take the right wing and the other decide to take the left?
I enjoyed the history glimpses in the book. The background of areas that I recognize such as Cherry Hill and Dundee Village. As I was growing up in Baltimore I was warned never to go to Cherry Hill. The reason given, it's a bad area. So I was in fear of it. While I was in college I gave a ride home to a classmate who lived in Cherry Hill. I drove through the area quickly with my heart pounding, my windows up and doors locked. Then there are the names of people you can identify because you voted for them or saw them on television. People who are part of today's recent history.
I would recommend this book for all young people because life is full of crossroads that will either bless you or damn you. It's better to be armed.
If you're interested in attending the Gala the information is here.
Get information about The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Fixing Up My Old Pleasant Company American Girl Doll Kirsten
I have a Pleasant Company American Girl doll Kirsten. She has seen some rough times.

My goal was to detangle her hair, clean her skin and tighten her wobbly legs so she could stand on her own. Her face paint is pale, so I wanted to give her a little color to get rid of the sickly look. It didn't take long to accomplish most of my goals, just a few hours on a lazy Sunday.
I started by washing and conditioning her hair. I didn't buy anything special. I just used my own. Then I used a wig brush and began the massive detangling. I detangled very small sections at a time starting the brushing at the ends of the hair and working my way up to the scalp. I used a water bottle to moisten the hair if it was dry. I didn't want to loose a lot of her hair. I did loose some but not much. Sometimes I switched to a wide tooth comb. I thought this tedious process was going to take a life time, but it didn't. Avoid getting water in her eyes, on her scalp and on her body. Water damages her eyes and causes mold on the scalp and body.

Next I flat ironed her hair while it was wet. The hair must be wet to prevent damage, not dripping wet. I towel dried her hair. The flat iron should be on a low setting. As I drew the flat iron down her locks I heard sizzling and watched as her hair straightened and shined. The sizzling is okay.
The next step was to clean her skin. I was going to use a brillo wipe and erase which I think is suppose to be like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I wasn't sure and I could not take the chance of damaging her skin, so I opted for baking soda and water since she really didn't have any marks on her. I mixed it to a thin, watery solution and rubbed her down. The most important point is not to get water in her eyes. The water will damage them and they will not open and close properly. I looked at my girl. She was pretty clean. Her hair was looking much better, but her face was pale. I was going to have to head out to Walmart and pick up some acrylic paint. Now it was time to tighten her limbs so she could stand alone and hold her arms up.
To do this I had to untie her neck strings and remove her head. Then the un-stuffing of her body began. So much stuffing. I put it all in a bag so I wouldn't lose any. Inside her body I was able to see the joints. At the top of the limb is a white cap and a gold clamp strung on a piece of elastic. Between these two pieces I added an elastic band. This tightens the limbs. Then I re-stuffed her making sure to push the stuffing way down in her butt area. I was able to fit it all in and she was as plump as before. I put her head back on and tied her strings. I tested my work. She stood on her own and held her arms high. I pat myself on the back.

I really needed to do something about her pale face, so I pulled out my bronzer and blush. I put a little bronzer on my finger and rubbed it into the apples of her cheek. Next I used a cotton ball to even out the tone. The bronzer had a shimmer effect. I moistened a cotton ball and wiped her cheeks to remove the shimmer. It still wasn't the color I wanted, so I dabbed a little peach blush on my finger and rubbed it over the apples of her cheeks. Evened out the shade with a cotton ball. The blush acts as a stain on the cheeks.
Now it was time to give her a hair do and an outfit from the doll trunk.

I was pleased with my work, so off to Walmart I went to get the paint. I mixed the red and white, but it was not the shade I needed. I want more of a flesh tone. I have to tackle her lips another day.
See you next time!

My goal was to detangle her hair, clean her skin and tighten her wobbly legs so she could stand on her own. Her face paint is pale, so I wanted to give her a little color to get rid of the sickly look. It didn't take long to accomplish most of my goals, just a few hours on a lazy Sunday.
I started by washing and conditioning her hair. I didn't buy anything special. I just used my own. Then I used a wig brush and began the massive detangling. I detangled very small sections at a time starting the brushing at the ends of the hair and working my way up to the scalp. I used a water bottle to moisten the hair if it was dry. I didn't want to loose a lot of her hair. I did loose some but not much. Sometimes I switched to a wide tooth comb. I thought this tedious process was going to take a life time, but it didn't. Avoid getting water in her eyes, on her scalp and on her body. Water damages her eyes and causes mold on the scalp and body.

Next I flat ironed her hair while it was wet. The hair must be wet to prevent damage, not dripping wet. I towel dried her hair. The flat iron should be on a low setting. As I drew the flat iron down her locks I heard sizzling and watched as her hair straightened and shined. The sizzling is okay.
The next step was to clean her skin. I was going to use a brillo wipe and erase which I think is suppose to be like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I wasn't sure and I could not take the chance of damaging her skin, so I opted for baking soda and water since she really didn't have any marks on her. I mixed it to a thin, watery solution and rubbed her down. The most important point is not to get water in her eyes. The water will damage them and they will not open and close properly. I looked at my girl. She was pretty clean. Her hair was looking much better, but her face was pale. I was going to have to head out to Walmart and pick up some acrylic paint. Now it was time to tighten her limbs so she could stand alone and hold her arms up.
To do this I had to untie her neck strings and remove her head. Then the un-stuffing of her body began. So much stuffing. I put it all in a bag so I wouldn't lose any. Inside her body I was able to see the joints. At the top of the limb is a white cap and a gold clamp strung on a piece of elastic. Between these two pieces I added an elastic band. This tightens the limbs. Then I re-stuffed her making sure to push the stuffing way down in her butt area. I was able to fit it all in and she was as plump as before. I put her head back on and tied her strings. I tested my work. She stood on her own and held her arms high. I pat myself on the back.

I really needed to do something about her pale face, so I pulled out my bronzer and blush. I put a little bronzer on my finger and rubbed it into the apples of her cheek. Next I used a cotton ball to even out the tone. The bronzer had a shimmer effect. I moistened a cotton ball and wiped her cheeks to remove the shimmer. It still wasn't the color I wanted, so I dabbed a little peach blush on my finger and rubbed it over the apples of her cheeks. Evened out the shade with a cotton ball. The blush acts as a stain on the cheeks.
Now it was time to give her a hair do and an outfit from the doll trunk.

I was pleased with my work, so off to Walmart I went to get the paint. I mixed the red and white, but it was not the shade I needed. I want more of a flesh tone. I have to tackle her lips another day.
See you next time!
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